25 February 2020

Important Android interview questions list

I come across a situation where I had to give an interview, I had all the practical knowledge but I wanted to know very important question which could be asked in an interview process. I made a google search and find some very interesting questions regarding Android. In this process, I read a lot on the different Android topic and learned a lot. So without going more details, followings are Android interview questions for fresher as well as experience Developer. I hope you will find some interesting questions and you have questions which you think is must know, then write to me.

Important android question for an interview

1. What would be the effect on asyncTask when android screen rotate?
3. What is the difference between service, intent service, and thread?
4. Can I update UI in android when I am in the asynTask onBackground method?
5. Serializable and Parcerable in Android
6. What is launch mode in android? How they define and name all launch mode of android.
7. It is possible to create activity without UI?
8. Which mode called only once in the Android lifecycle?
9. Types of the broadcast receiver in Android?
10. Order of dialog box in Android?
11. security best practices you know for Android?
12. What are the action and category is the Android Manifests XML?
13. Where a developer should use implicit and explicit intent?
14. What is the difference between onCreate and onStart in an activity?
15. How many types we can store data in Android phone, which is better approaches in sharePrefences and SQLite?
16. How many ways can we send the data from one activity to other activity in the application?
17. How to run the service even after killing the application in android?
18. what is dalvik/ART, ADB, Android Manifests, Content provider, adapter, intent, service, intent service?
19. When does ANR occur?
20. What is the Broadcast receiver?
21. It is possible to create an activity without UI?
22. Which mode is called only once in a fragment lifecycle?
23. Exception available in Android development?

Other questions lists:-

1. What is a string? Literal and object string difference.
2. String builder and StringBuffer. Difference between them?
3. Serializable and parcelable
4. Multiple inheritance problem in Java
5. Activity and fragment life cycle
6. Recycleview working. Diff b/w listView and Recycleview
7. Glide and Picasso difference and working
8. Getting list using Gson
9. MVVP and live data
10. Transition of activity, shared activity
11. What is collection in Java?
12. What is Hashcode.
13. hasmap and hashkey related questions. Difference
14. How to upload video
15. Chat working, less call to server API
16. Activity and fragment life cycle
17. Data transfer to activity and fragments
18. What are service, thread, and intentService?
19. Activity lifecycle question like when the app will be in background, foreground and kill?
20. How to get data from a second activity in the first activity in Android what method you will use?
21. Launch mode in Android?

Note: - When Dialog open in an activity which lifecycle method is called?

Some Advance Questions

These questions have taken from here. Do check it. I have used these questions because you will get short Answers.

1. Project Management tool - trello, basecamp, kanban, jira, asana.
2. About build System - gradle, maven, ant, buck.
3. How do you control the application version update to specific number of users?
4. Can we identify users who have uninstalled our application?
5. Reverse Engineering an APK.

6. What is the hashCode() and equals() used for?
7. What are these final, finally and finalize?
8. HashSet vs TreeSet.
9. What are transient and volatile modifiers?
10. What the difference between local, instance and class variables?
11.What is reflection? Link
12. What is Autoboxing and Unboxing?
13. What’s the difference between an Enumeration and an Iterator?
14. What is the difference between fail-fast and fail-safe in Java?
15. What is Java priority queue?
What is a JobScheduler? Link
16. How to implement XML namespaces?
17. What are widgets on Home-Screen in Android?
18. What is AAPT?
19. What is Doze? What about App Standby?
20. What is the StrictMode? Link
21. What is a PendingIntent?
22. What is the best way to update the screen periodically?
23. Have you developed widgets? Describe. Link
24. What is renderscript? Link
25. What are the differences between Dalvik and ART?
26. FlatBuffers vs JSON. Link
HashMap, ArrayMap and SparseArray Link
27. Explain Looper, Handler, and HandlerThread. Link
28. What is SnapHelper? Link

I will update these questions' answer. Along with more description. You can now use it just as reference.

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