20 February 2014

Welcome to Techguruhost:Tech Guru Host


Hello friends, welcome to the loveinfotech now Techguruhost [Tech Guru Host] blog/website. You will get a new experience from this website and will increase more knowledge about technology around the world and personal development.

This blog, Techguruhost comprise related to following topics-

1.Computer programming language: C/C++, Java core, Database Oracle SQL & PL/SQL, Servlet &JSP 

2.Web Programming:  HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Php.

3.How To Do: In this how to use technology for more productivity for students and Professional.

4.What To Do: In this section try to take the student in  the proper guide so that they do the best for country, society and their family.

5.Mobile development: Android App development. I am going to start tutorial on  android development using Kotlin, MVVM design architecture and databindig with real development scenario and lot of examples.

tech guru host blog:techguruhost

6. Weekly great read:

In this section, i will share what i learn from other by any means like video, audio, blog etc.

Now we are not providing all topics but we have a  plan to do so.

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