Today we will know how to retrive data from Oracle database using PL/SQL.PL/SQL provide three ways to extract data from Oracle database.These ways are as follow:-
- Data Retrieval Statement
- PL/SQL Records
- PL/SQL Tables
Data Retrieval Statement:-
It is basic way to extract data from database.In this way we store retrieval data to plsql variables.After that we print it.
Select Statement Syntax:-
SELECT SlectList
[INTO VariableList]
FROM TableList
WHERE [WhereClaus]
[ORDER by ColoumList]
v_empno number(5):=&employee_no; --in v_empno i insert user input so i use this statement
v_ename varchar2(30);
v_job varchar(30);
v_sal number(10,2);
v_comm number(10,2); --all are variableList
select fname ||' '||lname "employee name",job,sal,comm into v_ename,v_job,v_sal,v_comm from emp where empno=v_empno;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The Name : ' || v_ename);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The Job : ' || v_job);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The Sal : ' || v_sal);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The commission : ' || NVL(TO_CHAR(v_comm),'Not Declared'));
Explanation :extract column values from table and assign these values to variableList.These variables are printed by DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE() function.NVL(TO_CHAR(v_comm),'Not Declared) used for if comm column of 'emp' table is NULL then print 'not declared' as you shown in figure.If you want to print 0 then simply replace 'not declared' to 0 with single quote.
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